Support Beerthoven
The Beerthoven Concert Series is in its 11th year serving Austin with one-of-a-kind classical chamber music exbeeriences. Over the course of ten seasons we have cultivated a loyal and diverse following; connoisseurs value the level of artistry and creativity in our programs while others find our programs both culturally and financially accessible. In addition, the vast majority of our performers are local, allowing our audience to connect with and support artists in our community. Thanks to the support of our community Beerthoven has grown tremendously, producing 18 events for over 1,500 patrons in our 2023-2024 Season.
We need your support to continue that work.
Be a Designated Driver for Beerthoven!
Beerthoven Inc. has been determined by the IRS to be a charitable organization under section 501c3 (Tax EIN 85-3377124). This means that your donation to Beerthoven is tax-deductible!
For donations by check, mail to: Beerthoven Inc.
P.O. Box 14070. Austin, TX 78761
Beerthoven is on the Benevity giving platform. Benevity works with many major employers to match employee donations, allowing their gifts to be doubled! Check with your employer to see about giving to Beerthoven.
Consider donating through a charitable fund such as Vanguard or Fidelity.
Or donate online here!
We don't offer "Gold" or "Executive" membership levels but we do offer the following, more appropriate Designated Driver titles:
PILSNER $15-$99
For your cool and refreshing donation, Pilsner Designated Drivers receive a Beerthoven Bottle Opener and special thanks on our website and printed programs.
HEFEWEIZEN $100-$249
For heartier donations, Hefeweizen Designated Drivers may receive a Beerthoven Tulip Glass and/or Bottle Opener (exclusive to Designated Drivers), as well as thanks on our website and printed programs. Donors at this level and higher are eligible to purchase additional tulip glasses for $15 each.
Doppelbach Designated Drivers and higher receive double the thanks by being offered any perks described in the levels above as well as an invite to our end-of-season Home Brew—an honest-to-goodness house concert featuring performers from our upcoming season.
Home Brew Events typically take place in mid-July.
PORTER $500-$999
Our most supportive Beerthoven aficionados at the Porter and Brewmaster Levels receive all perks mentioned above as well as a deluxe Growler from Lazarus Brewing.
Business Sponsors
Make a statement to your clientele that you support the arts in Austin! Click here for info on becoming a Beerthoven Business Sponsor and directing our audience to your products or services.
Season No. 11 Business Sponsors
Season No. 11 Designated Drivers
Charles and Mary Teeple
Neha Amin and Peter Hofmann
Darrell Pargmann and Marsha Green
Steve Yanagisawa
Theresa and Mike Harkins
Kathy and Henry Leighton:
From the estate of Sergeant John Christopher Leighton, US Army (retired). A survivor of two combat tours in Iraq who would certainly support the desire to “offer enriching musical experiences through down-to-earth means”.
Bill and Nan Hatcher
Niki Sanders
Robyn and Stew Bishop
Nancy Vine Durling
Gail and Andy Oberta
Charles Mandelbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Geer III
John and Kaye Squires
Alison Raffalovich and David Abbs
Brice and Cynthia Bartek
Diana Ball
Suzanne and Alex Labry
Paula Harmon
Clayton Karrer and Cynthia Kepler-Karrer
Anita Prewett
David Wilborn
Laura Gibbs
Warren and Lisa Wolf
Richard Gray
Karen and Roy Spezia
Karen Kinkaid
Matt Miller
Kathy Robertson
Julie Coleman
Season No. 10 Designated Drivers
Drs. Simone Scumpia and Ion Ratiu
Austin Thyroid and Endocrinology
Theresa and Mike Harkins
Kathleen M. Clark
Justin Chiumenti
Steve Yanagisawa
Daniel Martaus and Mary Vance
Mark and Kiki Corry
Robyn and Stew Bishop
Alison Raffalovich and David Abbs
Bill Stutts
Kit Thompson and Suzy Gallagher
Gail and Andy Oberta
Dr. Michael Froehls
Cal and Joy Gooden
John and Kaye Squires
Cal and Joy Gooden
Brice and Cynthia Bartek
Niki Sanders
Allison R. Goldring
Suzanne Mitchell and Richard Zansitis
Anita Prewett
Warren and Lisa Wolf
The Karrer Family
Diana Ball
Peter F. Rock
Sylvia Cook
Nancy Durling
Paul and Amelia Mettke
Kiyoshi Tamagawa
Season No. 9 Designated Drivers
Drs. Simon Scumpia and Ion Ratiu:
Austin Thyroid and Endocrinology
Steven Yanagisawa
Theresa and Mike Harkins
Sue and Kent Saathoff
Charles and Mary Teeple
Alison Raffalovich and David Abbs
Daniel Martaus and Mary Vance
Darrell Pargmann and Marsha Green
Nejla Shami
Sydelle Popinsky and Charles Mandelbaum
Bill and Nan Hatcher
Karen and Paul Memrick
Niki Sanders
Eileen Keller
John and Kaye Squires
Brice and Cynthia Bartek
Gail and Andy Oberta
Kit Thompson and Suzy Gallagher
Kyle Barkett
Carla Hartley
Richard Gray
Cal and Joy Gooden
Paul and Amelia Mettke
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Geer III
Clayton Karrer and Cynthia Kepler-Karrer
Anita Prewett
Suzanne Mitchell and Richard Zansitis
Kenneth Fincher
Suzanne and Alex Labry
Peter F. Rock
Kurt Richter and Christina Conlee
Elizanda de la Sota
Bill Stutts
Colby & Natalie Jackson
Paula Harmon
Karron Lewis
Allison Goldring
Margaret Menninger
Bonnie Lockhart
Jonathan Grant
Jaime Phillips
Stephen Reynolds
Lisa Wolf
Ruben Balboa
Ann Hartley
Shelly Kelly
Matt Miller
Kathy Robertson
JoAnn Kennedy
Arman Salami
Mary McAnelly
Bruce Bower
Kay Allensworth
Season No. 8 Designated Drivers
Sarah Harriman
Eileen Keller
Dan Martaus and Mary Vance
Elizanda de La Sota
Kurt Richter and Christina Conlee
Kyle Barkett
Marsha Green and Darrell Pargmann
Brice and Cynthia Bartek
Karen and Paul Memrick
Sydelle Popinsky and Charles Mandelbaum
Steven Yanagisawa
Carla Hartley
Theresa and Mike Harkins
Clayton Karrer and Cynthia Kepler-Karrer
Charles Sussman
Anita Prewett
Alison Raffalovich and David Abbs
Mark and Pamela Herber
Mr. and Mrs. Larrouilh
Greta Gutman
Season No. 7 Designated Drivers
Drs. Simone Scumpia and Ion Ratiu: Austin Thyroid and Endocrinology
Charles and Mary Teeple
Dan Martaus and Mary Vance
Sydelle Popinsky and Charles Mandelbaum
Gail and Andy Oberta
Kent and Sue Saathoff
Brice and Cynthia Bartek
Steven Yanagisawa
Suzanne Mitchell and Richard Zansitis
Christopher Thompson
Sarah Harriman
Richard Gray
Sandy and Marshall Sack
Clayton Karrer and Cynthia Kepler-Karrer
Joanna Sandford
Arman Salami
Dana Wen
Jonathan Grant
Mary Lou Dye
Special thanks to:
Jan Heimlich, Donor of a Harrington Grand Piano to Beerthoven, in memory of Dr. Henry Heimlich
Paula Harmon, Accountant, for assisting us in filing for 501c3 status
This program is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.
Beerthoven is a Sponsored Project of the Austin Creative Alliance
Season No. 6 Designated Drivers
Beth Dawson
Austin Thyroid and Endocrinology,
Drs. Simone Scumpia & Ion Ratiu
Charles and Mary Teeple
Bill and Nan Hatcher
Justin Chiumenti
John and Kaye Squires
Steven Yanagisawa
Dan Martaus and Mary Vance
David Stevens
Brice and Cynthia Bartek
Katherine Bell
Andrew Carr
Amber Jonker and Helen Wiley
Sue and Kent Saathoff
Kit Thompson and
Suzy Gallagher
Eileen Keller
The L’Aiglon Foundation
Anita Prewett
Michael Harkins
Steiger Family
Richard Gray
Cynthia and Clayton Kepler-Karrer
Suzanne and Alex Labry
Darrell Pargmann and Marsha Green
Charlie Sussman
Adena Harmon
Cal and Joy Gooden
Marshall Sack
John Smith
Jacob R. Smedley
Greta Gutman and Tom Ainsworth
Mark and Pamela Herber
Sydelle Popinsky and Charles Mendelbaum
Elizanda de la Sota
Linda Cheney
Andrei Duta
Suzanne Mitchell
Sarah Harriman
Barbara L. Burnham
Mary Dye
Season No. 5 Designated Drivers
Martha Hilley
Eileen Keller,
John and Kaye Squires
Brice & Cynthia Bartek
Mark & Kiki Corry
Daniel Martaus and Mary Vance
Karl and Dina Steiner
David Stevens
Amber Jonker and
Helen Wiley
Paul and Karen Memrick
Steiger Family
Kent & Catherine Saathoff
Mark & Pam Herber
Michael Harkins
Graham Reynolds
Carla Hartley
Jim Hartley
Richard Gray
Mark and JoAnn Young
Anita Prewett
Clayton and Cynthia Kepler-Karrer
Cal and Joy Gooden
Charlie Sussman
Sydelle Popinsky and Charles Mendelbaum
Linda Cheney
Marsha Green
Bill and Nan Hatcher
Marshall Sack
Joanna Sandford
Karen Standfield
Tommy and Linda Turner
Special thanks to:
Bart Goddard
JB Newhouse
Andrea Perry, Neill-Cochran House
Season No. 4 Designated Drivers
Beth Dawson
Eileen Keller inc
Charles and Mary Teeple
William Warnick
Kent and Nancy Walls
Mark and JoAnn Young
Amber Jonker and Helen Wiley
Brice and Cynthia Bartek
Manfred Schiefer
John and Kaye Squires
Steve Morris and Suzan Nyfeler
David Abbs
Karl and Dina Steiner
Martha Hilley
Kent and Sue Saathoff
Jaakko Talvitie and Mollie Hejl
David B. Miller
Karron Lewis
Mark and Pamela Herber
The Steiger Family
Season No. 3 Designated Drivers
Dr. Alla Burago
Beth Dawson
Eileen Keller
Kent and Nancy Walls
Brice and Cynthia Bartek
Mark and JoAnn Young
Amber Jonker and Helen Wiley
Steve Morris and Suzan Nyfeler
Cynthia Morales
John and Kaye Squires
David Flannigan
John Lehman
Danielle Duma
Paul and Amelia Mettke
Bill and Nan Hatcher
Brett Murphy
Neena Arora
Alejandro Medina
Mark and Pamela Herber
Mike and Sara Mosca
Cal and Joy Gooden
Younnie Meglino
Megan Hamilton
Season No. 2 Designated Drivers
Alla Burago
Laszlo Lazcano
Wally Warrenburg
Garrett Washington
Cal and Joy Gooden
Cheryl Mebane
Victor Shami
Nejla Shami
Mark and JoAnn Young
Mollie Hejl
Amber Jonker and Helen Wiley
Henry Leighton
John and Jill McFarland
John and Kaye Squires
Season No. 1
Beerthoven began as an activity of the Austin Saengerrunde and was fully-funded by the traditional German singing society throughout its first season. That first season, and ultimately, it’s existence, simply would not have been possible without the initial support of the Austin Saengerrunde. In particular, when our founder Daniel Swayze dreamed up the first form of Beerthoven, it was Bart Goddard who saw the same dream of hope and of community and took immeasurable steps to help Beerthoven be born and take its first steps. Much like we all do in life, we are constantly growing to become far more than we were the past year, or ever dreamed of being years ago. It takes a loving environment of people who believe in your mission and passion, and it was it was that help from Bart Goddard and the Saengerrunde has a whole that made our dreams come true, ensuring to help Beerthoven grow into more than it conceived of in it’s infancy.
To all of you in the first year that helped us get our start, what words are there to truly express our gratitude? This thing that we’ve become, and that which we dream to grow into, would likely never have been possible without you. From the bottom of our hearts, we are eternally thankful to your generosity, guidance, and sheer will of force to help give us the foundation we needed to open our doors to this local Austin community.
Bless you all, and thank you to each and every board member, volunteer, performer, and of course above all, our audience. We are so blessed to have such a great audience that allows us to push the boundaries of our styles and explore new ventures in which to enrich this community we’re all in.
About the Austin Saengerrunde
In 1852, German settlers in Austin formed a traditional singing group. On February 8, 1879, the group officially organized as a singing society bearing the name "Saengerrunde". The Saengerrunde is the oldest ethnic organization in Austin. The Austin Saengerrunde provides an atmosphere that encourages members and guests to preserve and enjoy the German heritage.
To learn more about this wonderful organization, please visit their website at: